"Pharaoh returned to his palace and put the whole thing out of his mind" -Exodus 7:23
I opened my bible and my eyes fell to a note I made over a year ago, "Don't put out of your mind what God has done." The chapters surrounding Exodus 7:23 speak of the plagues God sent upon Egypt and about how the magicians were able to imitate the things God was doing. God would move, then the devil would do his best to imitate and Pharaohs heart would remain hardened. But, when God parted the Red Sea, there was nothing the devil could do to stand against that. The devil does his absolute best to imitate and trick us into believing He is more powerful than God. But, our God is unmatched and forever victorious. So, when the enemy rushes in hurling his lies and they seem true, let us not forget what our Father has already spoken and done. Do not return to your palace and put the whole thing out of your mind. If our God said it, then He will do it because that is the kind of God He is.
In this season, let's join together and stand firm on what the Lord has said, no matter what the enemy tries to do. He has no power, no authority and is no match for our MIGHTY GOD.
We will stand firm on Your truth, no matter what the devil attempts to throw our way. Your word is true and sharper than any two edged sword. We can declare Your promises with confidence. We stand firm on the knowledge you have given us God and we stand firm against the enemy knowing he has no control over our lives. We release complete control to you. You are God and you are good!
We thank you, Father. Amen.
Practical Steps:
1. Ask God to give you a verse to declare over your life, your family and the lives of those you influence. Declare that scripture every day.
2. Look into Cindy Trimm's books and youtube videos. She is so gifted in speaking life and declaring the word.
3. Write down your favorite scriptures on post-it notes and place them some where you will see them everyday.
I hope this encourages you.
Much Love,