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Keeping Faith In College

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

College can be a wide open space to find yourself. A great opportunity to experience fun and purpose at a totally different place. But, it can also be dark and lonely, unfamiliar and overwhelming. If you’re anything like me you went from searching for a new church home, to watching church online, until finally Sunday just became a rest day. I found friends to replace the loneliness, but I remained lacking in real spiritual fellowship. It took me until my last semester to encounter God's presence with other people again.

So if you asked me, “What could I do differently at my school?” I’d say let college be an open space for God's plan. To chase after who you are in the Father’s heart. Hold yourself accountable in spending time with Christ, no matter your Saturday night choices or school priorities. Also, be practical and driven about finding a community of faith. It might not look exactly how you imagined, but there are students who understand what you’re going through and who you’re searching for.

Find them in your school organizations, talk to them while walking on campus. We aren't meant to struggle alone, so be intentional in finding a local church. Don’t wait on people to fix your faith and don’t wait on Christ to find you in a new place. He’s everywhere, inside of us and inside of the peers we sit next to. We just have to open ourselves up.

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