Wearing: Zara skrit (worn as a top), PLT jeans, Thrifted handbag, F21 coat, Sam Edelman pumps
By now you should know I am all about saving money when it comes to my fashion, from thrifting to borrowing (or stealing) pieces from your parent's closet, so this post is no different. But instead of robbing your parent's closet of fashion they will never wear again, let's talk about raiding your own.
In this post, the top I am wearing is actually a skirt. Instead of throwing out a bottom I will never wear again, I decided to keep it and use it as a blouse. I love doing this with my skirts that I can make fit as tops so that I can one save money, and two create something different and structural. What is awesome is that skirts are not the only pieces you can do this with. You can turn scarves into tops (done in a previous post), turn tops into bottoms, mix and match. So next time you are cleaning out your closet, think "can I make this item into something cute and useful?"