I feel like I’m at the edge of an abyss
One step more and I’ll free fall, hoping to land on my feet
The fall seems meant to be, like the end of a journey
Straws I chose that brought me here to this moment
He’s calling me
His voice is silent but it pounds in my chest
“Take me,” He says, “Take my hand and move on.
You don’t belong here
I crafted you, placed a pencil in your hand before you know you could write
I opened up a piece of Heaven for you so you could feel my presence on the page
I ached and bled so you could express my life with art
Tell of your heartache
Tell of the times your spirit crumbled as you grew blind to My path
Tell of the moments where the thought of a gun pressed against your temple felt like peace
Tell of the nights you reached for Heaven only to have Hell surround you
Because there are those who share your story
Those caught between life and death, a step forward or backward
And they need to hear
They need to feel
They need to see that they are not alone
So share your voice
Even when it breaks, even when you can’t get the words out, let them know anyway because it matters
Because they matter
Because you matter.”
I feel like I’m at the edge of an abyss
One-step more and I’ll free fall, knowing His hands will catch me.
Thank you so much Jo ❤️
Yasssssssssssssssssss! This is the perfect example of Gods love for us! I love it ❤️